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Planning your implementation

Let's say, for example, that you are building a SaaS CRM platform like Salesforce. You want to empower your customers to write JavaScript code that would be executed every time a new lead was captured.

If you were going to implement this feature using Deno Deploy, here's how you might think about building it:

  • Create a project and associate that project with a customer account in your database. This would allow you to track usage incurred by each customer, and potentially bill them for that usage, using analytics information about the project.
  • Create a deployment that contains the code your end user provided, which should be run when a new lead is created.
  • Using multiple deployments in the same project, you could implement "staging" or "production" versions of the event handling logic.
  • Your CRM software would communicate with your end user's code by sending an HTTP request to a deployment and awaiting a response.
  • In the future, if you wanted to support writing code for other events in your CRM (like creating a new contact, or to send automated reports every night), you could create a project for each of those events, and use a flow like the one described above for each.

Let's look at an example of the API endpoint required to make this happen.

Creating a deployment for a project Jump to heading

In the previous chapter, you created a new project and noted its id property. In the example in the previous chapter, the ID was:


You can use a project identifier to create a deployment for that project. Create a new file called create_deployment.ts and include the following code to create a new "hello world" deployment for your project.

const accessToken = Deno.env.get("DEPLOY_ACCESS_TOKEN");
const API = "";

// Replace with your desired project ID
const projectId = "your-project-id-here";

// Create a new deployment
const res = await fetch(`${API}/projects/${projectId}/deployments`, {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: JSON.stringify({
    entryPointUrl: "main.ts",
    assets: {
      "main.ts": {
        "kind": "file",
          `export default { async fetch(req) { return new Response("Hello, World!"); } }`,
        "encoding": "utf-8",
    envVars: {},

const deployment = await res.json();

  "Visit your site here:",

If you run this script with the following command:

deno run -A --env create_deployment.ts

You should soon have a simple "Hello World!" server live on a public URL, visible from your Deno Deploy dashboard.

Parts of a deployment Jump to heading

The example above showed a very simple example of a deployment. A more complex deployment might include some or all of these components, fully described here in the API docs.

  • Assets: TypeScript or JavaScript source files, images, JSON documents - code and static files that make your deployment run. These files can be encoded in the JSON you upload to the server using utf-8 (for plain source files) or base64 for images and other text files. In addition to actual files, you can also include symbolic links to other files.
  • Entry point URL: A file path to an asset (a TypeScript or JavaScript file) from the collection above that should be executed to start a server in your deployment.
  • Environment variables: You can specify values that should exist in the system environment, to be retrieved by Deno.env.get.
  • Database ID: The identifier for a Deno KV database that should be made available to this deployment.
  • Compiler options: A set of options that should be used to interpret TypeScript code.

Custom domains Jump to heading

After a deployment is created, it is assigned a generated URL. That may be fine for some scenarios, but often you'll want to associate a custom domain with your deployments as well. Check out the API reference for domains.

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