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deno upgrade

Upgrade deno executable to the given version.

Command Jump to heading

deno upgrade [OPTIONS] - Upgrade the deno executable.

Synopsis Jump to heading

deno upgrade [--version <version>] [--output <output>] [-q|--quiet] 
[--dry-run] [-f|--force] [--canary] [--cert <FILE>]

deno upgrade -h|--help

Description Jump to heading

Defaults to the latest version of Deno. The version is downloaded from and is used to replace the current executable.

Arguments Jump to heading

There are no required arguments for this command - it should be run from within your package or workspace directory.

Options Jump to heading

  • --version <version>

    The version to upgrade to

  • --output <output>

    The path to output the updated version to

  • -q, --quiet

    Suppress diagnostic output

  • --dry-run

    Perform all checks without replacing the old executable

  • -f, --force

    Replace current executable even if it is not out of date

  • --canary

    Upgrade to canary builds

  • --cert <FILE>

    Load the certificate from a PEM encoded file

  • -h, --help

    Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Examples Jump to heading

  • Install a specific version of the Deno executable
deno upgrade --version 1.33.3
  • Install Deno in a specific location
deno upgrade --output ./some/local/path