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Configuring Deno behavior

There are several environment variables which can impact the behavior of Deno:

DENO_AUTH_TOKENS Jump to heading

A list of authorization tokens which can be used to allow Deno to access remote private code. See the Private modules and repositories section for more details.

DENO_TLS_CA_STORE Jump to heading

A list of certificate stores which will be used when establishing TLS connections. The available stores are mozilla and system. You can specify one, both or none. Certificate chains attempt to resolve in the same order in which you specify them. The default value is mozilla. The mozilla store will use the bundled Mozilla certs provided by webpki-roots. The system store will use your platform's native certificate store. The exact set of Mozilla certs will depend on the version of Deno you are using. If you specify no certificate stores, then no trust will be given to any TLS connection without also specifying DENO_CERT or --cert or specifying a specific certificate per TLS connection.

DENO_CERT Jump to heading

Load a certificate authority from a PEM encoded file. This "overrides" the --cert option. See the Proxies section for more information.

DENO_DIR Jump to heading

this will set the directory where cached information from the CLI is stored. This includes items like cached remote modules, cached transpiled modules, language server cache information and persisted data from local storage. This defaults to the operating system's default cache location and then under the deno path.

DENO_INSTALL_ROOT Jump to heading

When using deno install where the installed scripts are stored. This defaults to $HOME/.deno/bin.

DENO_NO_PACKAGE_JSON Jump to heading

Set to disable auto-resolution of package.json files.

DENO_NO_PROMPT Jump to heading

Set to disable permission prompts on access (alternative to passing --no-prompt on invocation).

DENO_NO_UPDATE_CHECK Jump to heading

Set to disable checking if a newer Deno version is available.

DENO_WEBGPU_TRACE Jump to heading

The directory to use for WebGPU traces.

HTTP_PROXY Jump to heading

The proxy address to use for HTTP requests. See the Proxies section for more information.

HTTPS_PROXY Jump to heading

The proxy address to use for HTTPS requests. See the Proxies section for more information.

NO_COLOR Jump to heading

If set, this will prevent the Deno CLI from sending ANSI color codes when writing to stdout and stderr. See the website for more information on this de facto standard. The value of this flag can be accessed at runtime without permission to read the environment variables by checking the value of Deno.noColor.

NO_PROXY Jump to heading

Indicates hosts which should bypass the proxy set in the other environment variables. See the Proxies section for more information.


The npm registry to use when loading modules via npm specifiers

Proxies Jump to heading

Deno is able to handle network requests through a proxy server, useful for various reasons such as security, caching, or accessing resources behind a firewall. The runtime supports supports proxies for module downloads and the Web standard fetch API.

Deno reads proxy configuration from environment variables: HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY.

On Windows, if environment variables are not found, Deno falls back to reading proxies from the registry.