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deno task

Command line usage

deno task [OPTIONS] [TASK]

Run a task defined in the configuration file.

deno task build

List all available tasks:

deno task

Evaluate a task from string

deno task --eval "echo $(pwd)"

Options Jump to heading

--config Jump to heading

Short flag: -c

Configure different aspects of deno including TypeScript, linting, and code formatting. Typically the configuration file will be called deno.json or deno.jsonc and automatically detected; in that case this flag is not necessary.

--cwd Jump to heading

Specify the directory to run the task in.

--eval Jump to heading

Evaluate the passed value as if it was a task in a configuration file.

--filter Jump to heading

Short flag: -f

Filter members of the workspace by name, implies --recursive flag.

--recursive Jump to heading

Short flag: -r

Run the task in all projects in the workspace.

Dependency management options Jump to heading

--frozen Jump to heading

Error out if lockfile is out of date.

--node-modules-dir Jump to heading

Sets the node modules management mode for npm packages.

Description Jump to heading

deno task provides a cross-platform way to define and execute custom commands specific to a codebase.

To get started, define your commands in your codebase's Deno configuration file under a "tasks" key.

For example:

  "tasks": {
    "data": "deno task collect && deno task analyze",
    "collect": "deno run --allow-read=. --allow-write=. scripts/collect.js",
    "analyze": {
      "description": "Run analysis script",
      "command": "deno run --allow-read=. scripts/analyze.js"

Specifying the current working directory Jump to heading

By default, deno task executes commands with the directory of the Deno configuration file (ex. deno.json) as the current working directory. This allows tasks to use relative paths and continue to work regardless of where in the directory tree you happen to execute the deno task from. In some scenarios, this may not be desired and this behavior can be overridden with the INIT_CWD environment variable.

INIT_CWD will be set with the full path to the directory the task was run in, if not already set. This aligns with the same behavior as npm run.

For example, the following task will change the current working directory of the task to be in the same directory the user ran the task from and then output the current working directory which is now that directory (remember, this works on Windows too because deno task is cross-platform).

  "tasks": {
    "my_task": "cd $INIT_CWD && pwd"

Getting directory deno task was run from Jump to heading

Since tasks are run using the directory of the Deno configuration file as the current working directory, it may be useful to know the directory the deno task was executed from instead. This is possible by using the INIT_CWD environment variable in a task or script launched from deno task (works the same way as in npm run, but in a cross-platform way).

For example, to provide this directory to a script in a task, do the following (note the directory is surrounded in double quotes to keep it as a single argument in case it contains spaces):

  "tasks": {
    "start": "deno run main.ts \"$INIT_CWD\""

Wildcard matching of tasks Jump to heading

The deno task command can run multiple tasks in parallel by passing a wildcard pattern. A wildcard pattern is specified with the * character.

  "tasks": {
    "build-client": "deno run -RW client/build.ts",
    "build-server": "deno run -RW server/build.ts"

Running deno task "build-*" will run both build-client and build-server tasks.


When using a wildcard make sure to quote the task name (eg. "build-*"), otherwise your shell might try to expand the wildcard character, leading to surprising errors.

Task dependencies Jump to heading

You can specify dependencies for a task:

  "tasks": {
    "build": "deno run -RW build.ts",
    "generate": "deno run -RW generate.ts",
    "serve": {
      "command": "deno run -RN server.ts",
      "dependencies": ["build", "generate"]

In the above example, running deno task serve will first execute build and generate tasks in parallel, and once both of them finish successfully the serve task will be executed:

$ deno task serve
Task build deno run -RW build.ts
Task generate deno run -RW generate.ts
Generating data...
Starting the build...
Build finished
Data generated
Task serve deno run -RN server.ts
Listening on http://localhost:8000/

Dependency tasks are executed in parallel, with the default parallel limit being equal to number of cores on your machine. To change this limit, use the DENO_JOBS environmental variable.

Dependencies are tracked and if multiple tasks depend on the same task, that task will only be run once:

  //   a
  //  / \
  // b   c
  //  \ /
  //   d
  "tasks": {
    "a": {
      "command": "deno run a.js",
      "dependencies": ["b", "c"]
    "b": {
      "command": "deno run b.js",
      "dependencies": ["d"]
    "c": {
      "command": "deno run c.js",
      "dependencies": ["d"]
    "d": "deno run d.js"
$ deno task a
Task d deno run d.js
Running d
Task c deno run c.js
Running c
Task b deno run b.js
Running b
Task a deno run a.js
Running a

If a cycle between dependencies is discovered, an error will be returned:

  "tasks": {
    "a": {
      "command": "deno run a.js",
      "dependencies": ["b"]
    "b": {
      "command": "deno run b.js",
      "dependencies": ["a"]
$ deno task a
Task cycle detected: a -> b -> a

You can also specify a task that has dependencies but no command. This is useful to logically group several tasks together:

  "tasks": {
    "dev-client": "deno run --watch client/mod.ts",
    "dev-server": "deno run --watch sever/mod.ts",
    "dev": {
      "dependencies": ["dev-client", "dev-server"]

Running deno task dev will run both dev-client and dev-server in parallel.

Node and npx binary support Jump to heading

By default, deno task will execute commands with the deno binary. If you need to ensure that a command is run with the npm or npx binary, you can do so by invoking the npm or npx run command respectively. For example:

  "tasks": {
    "test:node": "npm run test"

Workspace support Jump to heading

deno task can be used in workspaces, to run tasks from multiple member directories in parallel. To execute dev tasks from all workspace members use --recursive flag:

  "workspace": [
  "name": "@scope/client",
  "tasks": {
    "dev": "deno run -RN build.ts"
  "name": "@scope/server",
  "tasks": {
    "dev": "deno run -RN server.ts"
$ deno task --recursive dev
Task dev deno run -RN build.ts
Task dev deno run -RN server.ts
Bundling project...
Listening on http://localhost:8000/
Project bundled

Tasks to run can be filtered based on the workspace members:

$ deno task --filter "client" dev
Task dev deno run -RN build.ts
Bundling project...
Project bundled

Note that the filter matches against the workspace member names as specified in the name field of each member's deno.json file.

Syntax Jump to heading

deno task uses a cross-platform shell that's a subset of sh/bash to execute defined tasks.

Boolean lists Jump to heading

Boolean lists provide a way to execute additional commands based on the exit code of the initial command. They separate commands using the && and || operators.

The && operator provides a way to execute a command and if it succeeds (has an exit code of 0) it will execute the next command:

deno run --allow-read=. --allow-write=. collect.ts && deno run --allow-read=. analyze.ts

The || operator is the opposite. It provides a way to execute a command and only if it fails (has a non-zero exit code) it will execute the next command:

deno run --allow-read=. --allow-write=. collect.ts || deno run play_sad_music.ts

Sequential lists Jump to heading

Sequential lists are similar to boolean lists, but execute regardless of whether the previous command in the list passed or failed. Commands are separated with a semi-colon (;).

deno run output_data.ts ; deno run --allow-net server.ts

Async commands Jump to heading

Async commands provide a way to make a command execute asynchronously. This can be useful when starting multiple processes. To make a command asynchronous, add an & to the end of it. For example the following would execute sleep 1 && deno run --allow-net server.ts and deno run --allow-net client.ts at the same time:

sleep 1 && deno run --allow-net server.ts & deno run --allow-net client.ts

Unlike in most shells, the first async command to fail will cause all the other commands to fail immediately. In the example above, this would mean that if the server command fails then the client command will also fail and exit. You can opt out of this behavior by adding || true to the end of a command, which will force a 0 exit code. For example:

deno run --allow-net server.ts || true & deno run --allow-net client.ts || true

Environment variables Jump to heading

Environment variables are defined like the following:

export VAR_NAME=value

Here's an example of using one in a task with shell variable substitution and then with it being exported as part of the environment of the spawned Deno process (note that in the JSON configuration file the double quotes would need to be escaped with backslashes):

export VAR=hello && echo $VAR && deno eval "console.log('Deno: ' + Deno.env.get('VAR'))"

Would output:

Deno: hello

Setting environment variables for a command Jump to heading

To specify environment variable(s) before a command, list them like so:

VAR=hello VAR2=bye deno run main.ts

This will use those environment variables specifically for the following command.

Shell variables Jump to heading

Shell variables are similar to environment variables, but won't be exported to spawned commands. They are defined with the following syntax:


If we use a shell variable instead of an environment variable in a similar example to what's shown in the previous "Environment variables" section:

VAR=hello && echo $VAR && deno eval "console.log('Deno: ' + Deno.env.get('VAR'))"

We will get the following output:

Deno: undefined

Shell variables can be useful when we want to re-use a value, but don't want it available in any spawned processes.

Exit status variable Jump to heading

The exit code of the previously run command is available in the $? variable.

# outputs 10
deno eval 'Deno.exit(10)' || echo $?

Pipelines Jump to heading

Pipelines provide a way to pipe the output of one command to another.

The following command pipes the stdout output "Hello" to the stdin of the spawned Deno process:

echo Hello | deno run main.ts

To pipe stdout and stderr, use |& instead:

deno eval 'console.log(1); console.error(2);' |& deno run main.ts

Command substitution Jump to heading

The $(command) syntax provides a way to use the output of a command in other commands that get executed.

For example, to provide the output of getting the latest git revision to another command you could do the following:

deno run main.ts $(git rev-parse HEAD)

Another example using a shell variable:

REV=$(git rev-parse HEAD) && deno run main.ts $REV && echo $REV

Negate exit code Jump to heading

To negate the exit code, add an exclamation point and space before a command:

# change the exit code from 1 to 0
! deno eval 'Deno.exit(1);'

Redirects Jump to heading

Redirects provide a way to pipe stdout and/or stderr to a file.

For example, the following redirects stdout of deno run main.ts to a file called file.txt on the file system:

deno run main.ts > file.txt

To instead redirect stderr, use 2>:

deno run main.ts 2> file.txt

To redirect both stdout and stderr, use &>:

deno run main.ts &> file.txt

To append to a file, instead of overwriting an existing one, use two right angle brackets instead of one:

deno run main.ts >> file.txt

Suppressing either stdout, stderr, or both of a command is possible by redirecting to /dev/null. This works in a cross-platform way including on Windows.

# suppress stdout
deno run main.ts > /dev/null
# suppress stderr
deno run main.ts 2> /dev/null
# suppress both stdout and stderr
deno run main.ts &> /dev/null

Or redirecting stdout to stderr and vice-versa:

# redirect stdout to stderr
deno run main.ts >&2
# redirect stderr to stdout
deno run main.ts 2>&1

Input redirects are also supported:

# redirect file.txt to the stdin of gzip
gzip < file.txt

Note that redirecting multiple redirects is currently not supported.

Cross-platform shebang Jump to heading

Starting in Deno 1.42, deno task will execute scripts that start with #!/usr/bin/env -S the same way on all platforms.

For example:

#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run
console.log("Hello there!");
  "tasks": {
    "hi": "./script.ts"

Then on a Windows machine:

> pwd
> deno task hi
Hello there!

Glob expansion Jump to heading

Glob expansion is supported in Deno 1.34 and above. This allows for specifying globs to match files in a cross-platform way.

# match .ts files in the current and descendant directories
echo **/*.ts
# match .ts files in the current directory
echo *.ts
# match files that start with "data", have a single number, then end with .csv
echo data[0-9].csv

The supported glob characters are *, ?, and [/].

Built-in commands Jump to heading

deno task ships with several built-in commands that work the same out of the box on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

  • cp - Copies files.
  • mv - Moves files.
  • rm - Remove files or directories.
    • Ex: rm -rf [FILE]... - Commonly used to recursively delete files or directories.
  • mkdir - Makes directories.
    • Ex. mkdir -p DIRECTORY... - Commonly used to make a directory and all its parents with no error if it exists.
  • pwd - Prints the name of the current/working directory.
  • sleep - Delays for a specified amount of time.
    • Ex. sleep 1 to sleep for 1 second, sleep 0.5 to sleep for half a second, or sleep 1m to sleep a minute
  • echo - Displays a line of text.
  • cat - Concatenates files and outputs them on stdout. When no arguments are provided it reads and outputs stdin.
  • exit - Causes the shell to exit.
  • head - Output the first part of a file.
  • unset - Unsets environment variables.
  • xargs - Builds arguments from stdin and executes a command.

If you find a useful flag missing on a command or have any suggestions for additional commands that should be supported out of the box, then please open an issue on the deno_task_shell repo.

Note that if you wish to execute any of these commands in a non-cross-platform way on Mac or Linux, then you may do so by running it through sh: sh -c <command> (ex. sh -c cp source destination).

package.json support Jump to heading

deno task falls back to reading from the "scripts" entries in a package.json file if it is discovered. Note that Deno does not respect or support any npm life cycle events like preinstall or postinstall—you must explicitly run the script entries you want to run (ex. deno install --entrypoint main.ts && deno task postinstall).

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