function aborted
#aborted(signal: AbortSignal,resource: any,): Promise<void>
Listens to abort event on the provided signal
and returns a promise that resolves when the signal
is aborted.
If resource
is provided, it weakly references the operation's associated object,
so if resource
is garbage collected before the signal
then returned promise shall remain pending.
This prevents memory leaks in long-running or non-cancelable operations.
import { aborted } from 'node:util';
// Obtain an object with an abortable signal, like a custom resource or operation.
const dependent = obtainSomethingAbortable();
// Pass `dependent` as the resource, indicating the promise should only resolve
// if `dependent` is still in memory when the signal is aborted.
aborted(dependent.signal, dependent).then(() => {
// This code runs when `dependent` is aborted.
console.log('Dependent resource was aborted.');
// Simulate an event that triggers the abort.
dependent.on('event', () => {
dependent.abort(); // This will cause the `aborted` promise to resolve.
Parameters #
#signal: AbortSignal
#resource: any
Any non-null object tied to the abortable operation and held weakly.
If resource
is garbage collected before the signal
aborts, the promise remains pending,
allowing Node.js to stop tracking it.
This helps prevent memory leaks in long-running or non-cancelable operations.
Return Type #